Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bad Mommy...Good Mommy

I recently created a poster for my daughter. It's really cute; I put her on the cover of "Cosmo Girl" magazine. It came in from Heritage Makers this Saturday, so I framed it and put in her room to surprise her when she got home from school yesterday. The whole way home she was trying to guess what her surprise was, which was great for a laugh. She loved it! Which was great, how nice for me to see her eyes light up and the smile on her face right? Right. I brought my daughter joy and hopefully made an impact on her self-esteem. With all the heroes and "role models" kids hang up on their walls, why not post them up in a positive light?

Well, my 3 year old son comes wandering into my bedroom after seeing nothing in his room with this sad look on his face and speaking in an almost inaudible tone. He finally mumbled that he was "mad" because he didn't have a "prize." I felt so bad! He was almost in tears. I guess, I really should have known better. I told him that his was coming, it just wasn't in yet, but it will be here soon. I think I am going to put him on the cover of GQ Jr or maybe even Lil' Entrepreneur! He got over it pretty quickly once he realized that I hadn't forgotten about him. So all is well again.

Posters are a simple and inexpensive way to decorate a child's room and lift them up to the same level as the other people that they perceive as heroes. Look at the people that they put on their walls. Is it Michael Jordan or Hannah Montana or Spiderman? Sure, they have great qualities that we want to encourage and foster in our children but don't forget to validate that they already have some pretty amazing qualities of their own and in time can be all and everything that they want to be. Look at Melissa Gilbert, she married the guy in the pinup she had in hanging her school locker! The sky's the limit!

Yolanda~The Memory Keeper's Coach

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